Little Brushes and the Magnificent Inefficiency of Painting Slow


I use small paint brushes.

Makes no difference how large the canvas is,

I always use the same little brushes.

Maybe that’s not very practical or efficient..

but the experience of art has nothing to do with such things.

Those who are aware of my methods often state the obvious:

“If you use bigger brushes, it won’t take you so long to finish a painting.”

It does take a long time.

I am a slow painter

but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I love the act of painting..

the experience of it.

So, I linger over my work.

I savor it.

Every little brushstroke

slowly adding layer after layer

of analogous color…

I want it to last.


  1. I so agree Michele, it’s not about how long it takes to make art, it’s the beautiful process we are involved in. Paint on at your pace! 🍒

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  2. It’s never about how fast it goes, but is about how it makes you feel while you’re doing it. I love painting and I love the way it makes me feel, so how others do it, is not relevant to me. There is no right way. I just let the heart guide the brush 🙂 Good luck with your paintings!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello thanks for the like , Im looking at your blog and I like 🙂 and also I wish I had the same amount of patience that you have with painting , I love to paint but I want to see the end result quickly so I have trouble staying motivated to finish it, so thanks for your insight and reminding everyone to enjoy the journey

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Susi! Yes, just like with certain books or movies.. there is a temptation to FFWD or flip to the last page. But instant gratification is nothing compared to the experience of slowly uncovering a mystery. I have no doubt you will discover this on your own as you continue to grow as an artist. Stay motivated and always keep painting.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I agree, sometimes the way you do something is as important as the end result. I don’t paint, but I do get that way in the kitchen or when organizing things. Sometimes I just enjoy doing something a certain way.


  5. …and I often ‘re-work’ a photo…meaning, taking it again in different light and times of the day, along with the differences I am able to achieve in image editing software. It’s my play.
    PS: I’d say ‘piglet’ participates in your endeavours, and enjoys them too! 😉

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  6. I agree also. I am not a painter, but when people tell me I should learn to type so I can post faster and stop using pencil and paper, I explain how I will never give up the feeling that true writing gives me, even if I typed 200 words a minute, they’d be written in long hand first.


    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I understand completely. There is something so special about feeling the brush, or the pencil in your hand as it moves across a page (or canvas) … it forms a bond, an intimate connection to your work. I think it is wonderful that you write your posts with a pencil and paper.. Sadly, it is practically a lost art.

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  7. I love your idea of taking a journey and having such intimate relationships with each of your pieces. It definitely shows! (To say the least.) I have never seen painting quite like yours ANYwhere it’s as unique as the person who made it, that’s for sure 😉 You are very gifted in many ways. Patience to even have these relationships with your work is definitely one. Rock on!


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